the beer lovers' community of local & regional beers in Europe

beBeer : traditions, passion & territories

beBeer = bibere, from the Latin verb "bibere" means "to drink". This is no coincidence our name "beBeer", is similar to this word; "be" allows each beer lover to identify with that local beverage that has been around for over 2000 years. Today, local and craft beers are present throughout the European continent and the popularity of this traditional drink is growing in the 600 European regions.  

Watch the video or take a quick tour of the platform now.


beBeer : traditions, passion & territories

beBeer = bibere, from the Latin verb "bibere" means "to drink". This is no coincidence our name "beBeer", is similar to this word; "be" allows each beer lover to identify with that local beverage that has been around for over 2000 years. Today, local and craft beers are present throughout the European continent and the popularity of this traditional drink is growing in the 600 European regions.  

Watch the video or take a quick tour of the platform now.


beBeer : traditions, passion & territories

beBeer = bibere, from the Latin verb "bibere" means "to drink". This is no coincidence our name "beBeer", is similar to this word; "be" allows each beer lover to identify with that local beverage that has been around for over 2000 years. Today, local and craft beers are present throughout the European continent and the popularity of this traditional drink is growing in the 600 European regions.  

Watch the video or take a quick tour of the platform now. 


beBeer : traditions, passion & territories

beBeer = bibere, from the Latin verb "bibere" means "to drink". This is no coincidence our name "beBeer", is similar to this word; "be" allows each beer lover to identify with that local beverage that has been around for over 2000 years. Today, local and craft beers are present throughout the European continent and the popularity of this traditional drink is growing in the 600 European regions.  

Watch the video or take a quick tour of the platform now.

people at restaurant

What to do on

Once registered, the beer lover can navigate the world of beer and carry out a whole series of actions: add beers, create his taster profile, post comments, like or rate a beer, respond to comments, add information on the masterfeed of each beer. While tasting, each beer lover can submit pictures with atmospheres, with bottles and glasses, .... 

He can search for beers, coffees, events on the interactive map. He can add characteristics on the beer or on the brewery of which he owns the page.

beBeer is a community of local and regional beer lovers. It is a community that has values ​​and that is built with the participation of each of us.

Good tastings! 

One community

beBeer is a powerful digital platform that brings together the community of brewers and local and regional beer lovers from 600 European regions as well as everything that revolves around the world of beer, which we call the promoters (taverns, restaurants, drink centers, event organizers, ...).
This digital tool offers the community a 2.0 experience. local and regional beers in Europe.
beBeer is a community that includes...
* the 600 European regions, 
* the 47 countries of the European continent,
* the 8.200 breweries,
* thousands of local beers,
* hundreds of thousands of beer lovers.

Our values 

Independence, passion, diversity and mutual respect are the four values ​​of the beBeer community.

1. Independence and passion: beBeer is and wants to remain independent from the world of brewers and promoters, so that the passion and taste for beer lovers and tasters remain the sole drivers of the platform.
2. Diversity and mutual respect: Respect between members of the community is one of beBeer's essential values, whether it concerns the different languages, the content of the different comments from other European regions, or even beyond. Any member who does not respect these values ​​can be excluded from the community.

Our Principle of the co-construction

Each member of the beBeer community has the opportunity to complete the platform with information on the brewing world.
This principle is the co-construction of the beBeer community by its members. Brewers and promoters can of course - whenever they want - own their pages. What could be more normal than to respect this choice. The beer lover will remain a faithful ambassador of this beer and this brewery.
All these opinions and additions are made in a context of service to the beBeer community in a spirit of independence, collaboration, respect and openness to others.

Register for free on the platform. 

Register for free on the platform. 

Register for free on the platform. 

Register for free on the platform.